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Mini Concerts

Enjoy with your little one these special concerts with a professional singer and a pianist!

Vanaf 13,50 euro
Eerste Sweelinckstraat

Beschrijving van de dienst

About Mini Concerts: Music is present in all cultures worldwide with its powerful, transformative, and unifying effect on people. This is because listening to, and playing music, produces changes in the brain. This is true, especially for babies and young children. Neuroscientists say that music makes a big difference in their social, emotional, and neurological development. Listening and making music it’s even more effective for children's brain development. That’s why I’ve been thinking about the Wow Mini Concerts where it is possible to conjugate the two aspects to double the benefits for parents and little ones. During the performance, we are going to use different materials ( puppets, chiffon scarves, etc.) and movements to explore freely the different rhythms and colors of the songs and sounds performed. Without realizing it, through this experience, your child is developing their coordination, sensory development, vocabulary, early literacy, and mathematics skills and most importantly their well-being. Like reading, singing is an activity that requires listening. Thus by being sung to, the little ones learn that sounds, gestures, and vocalizations can be used to express one’s thoughts and feelings. The Wow Mini Concerts are a chance to enhance the bonding with your child and to feel free to get in touch with a new emotional world to share together. About the performers: Marisa Petraglia is a professional Jazz singer and songwriter. She’s also qualified as a children's Educator and Arts therapist with experience of many years of working with children. She is also one of the teachers of the Baby Sensory and Toddler Sense programs at Wow Family Center.

Aankomende sessies


  • Eerste Sweelinckstraat 21, 1073 CL Amsterdam, Netherlands


WOW Familiecentrum
Churchilllaan 86 1078EL Amsterdam

Natalie 0641811260
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